
Laying the Foundations for Success

January 6 2024

Kollosche General Manager Renae Hayek shares the secrets to building the Gold Coast’s leading luxury real estate agency.
Laying the Foundations for Success

Kollosche General Manager Renae Hayek has been at the helm of operations during the agency’s rapid expansion. In this Q&A, she talks about the importance of collaboration, development and training, and the need to adapt. 

What kind of culture did you set out to create at Kollosche?

“Building the right office culture was, and continues to be, a major focus for the business. From the outset we wanted to nurture a collaborative environment where people work together to enhance, not only their individual successes, but those of the wider team. Supported by a solid foundation of operations and systems, we knew doing this would improve our sales results for clients and provide an overall enhanced client experience.”

What has been the key to achieving this?

“Recruitment has played a major role in establishing the right office culture, one where open and honest collaboration exists within the entire team. Everyone who joins the business or conjuncts with the business must be willing to work collaboratively with other team members. They must embrace our open database model and be willing to transact with other agents for the greater good of our clients. It is the key driver of Kollosche’s team success.”

How do you maintain people’s motivation?

“Kollosche understands the importance of celebrating people’s success at all levels, be they an agent who has made a record sale, or someone else in the business who has gone beyond their duties to help someone reach their goals. In recognition of this, we hold quarterly awards, offer annual incentive trips, and hold other social events throughout the year. These social activities bring people together from across the business to strengthen bonds and boost morale, which inevitably leads to higher-level performance.” 

How important has development and training been to the success of the business?

“Kollosche has always allowed an extensive budget for training and development across the business. It involves a combination of real estate, marketing, operations and mindset training to ensure we are always pushing the boundaries and exceeding our skillsets. Something that is unique to Kollosche is our employment of in-house life coach, Aneta Siedlecka. Remaining completely confidential, staff can go to Aneta to help clear any blockages they may have professionally or personally to ensure that they remain at the top of their game.”

What about innovation?

“Remaining agile has been a core foundation for the success of Kollosche. We are extremely fortunate that we can pivot quickly in reaction to new technologies and innovations, such as the introduction of AI. Being able to apply them to business practices, almost overnight, ensures our team and client experience remains the benchmark for the wider industry.”

As general manager of a successful business, what has been most rewarding?

“The overall growth of our business is something that I am extremely proud of. To become one of the leading and most respected prestige real estate agencies on the Gold Coast in only five years is an enormous achievement. However, witnessing the personal development of many of the people who have come into our business during that time, for me, has been the most satisfying moment. 

“Being able to watch receptionists, for example, go on to work in our administration, property management or sales teams is immensely rewarding.”

“The openness and willingness of team members to collaborate and dedicate themselves to streamlining processes for our clients has enabled them to develop their skills for the future, while helping drive the success of the business today.”

What is on the horizon for Kollosche?

“Kollosche will continue to push the boundaries within our existing divisions and departments to further enhance our client service delivery and improve our market share as well as the office culture we create for our team members. 

Watch the Kollosche 5 Year Anniversary video

Read Next Blog: Kollosche’s Most Memorable Sales: 2019-2023

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